Sunday, March 29, 2009

Introducing the Community Garden

Several months ago the idea of a community Garden in Lansdale was planted, now we are only a few weeks away from it being in full bloom. Ok, enough garden lingo. Anyway, in the next couple of weeks we are going to be hosting our first "planting party" for the new Lansdale community garden, and I thought it would be good to begin this blog to explain some details of the garden over the next several weeks, and it also serves as a great place for many of you to ask questions that I can then answer broadly to anyone who wishes to read.

Over the next couple weeks I plan to communicate:
-Where the Garden is
-When the planting party will be
-What you can do
-and I am sure this list will grow

But for right now I want to communicate two things. The first and most important is that this garden is for everyone. We are not an organization or company that is starting something with a strict set of guidelines, we are people who are opening up a space which can be our garden. Any one and everyone can take part in the planting, taking care of, and/ or picking from this garden. Ultimately, we hope to bless the local food banks as well.
The second thing I want to communicate right now is to simply get talking about this. Tell people whom you think might be intersted in the garden to check out this blog or contact me individually. All are welcome to join in. Thanks a lot, and I can't wait to garden with you all.

If for any reason you wish to contact me individually my name is Josh MacNeill and my email address is

1 comment:

  1. Awesome idea! I was wanting a garden, but our back yard just won't cut it! I"m not sure yet if we can make it to the planting party, but are definitely interested in planting.
